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Home-Based Business: Starting and growing an at-home business is exciting, but doing it on a budget can be difficult! When you’re starting a new business every penny counts and finding effective and affordable ways to get the word out is time-consuming. Here are some free or low-cost marketing strategies that every small business should try:

Start by Establishing a Solid Online Presence

If you’re new to online businesses and websites, you should start by establishing an online presence so your customers can find you easily. Take your time and make sure that you don’t rush this process. Doing a few things well is better than having too many accounts and pages, making it impossible to post consistently.

The first step in digital marketing is to create a professional, simple website. This doesn’t have to be expensive and many website hosting services have easy-to-use templates or designs that allow you to create a high-quality site without paying for a designer. If you need more features or want a more professional-looking site, look for a freelance designer to help you with the more complex parts of your site.

Once you have your website up and running, consider creating a larger online presence through a blog and social media. Again, move slowly. Master one platform at a time, and once you understand how to use it and how its algorithm works, move on to another. Use free online learning sites and video sites to help you understand how to navigate each platform and utilize it best.

Create a regular posting schedule and always focus on adding value to your customer’s lives, whether that’s through sales promotion, education, or entertainment. Stay current with comments and customer engagement, as well. All of these postings can take a lot of time, so it’s better to have one or two well-managed accounts rather than several that are neglected.

Develop an Effective Email Marketing Strategy

Along with building your online presence, you must focus on direct customer engagement to get and keep your clients happy and interested in your business. One of the first things you should work on is mastering the art of email marketing. While building and managing an email list might sound daunting, it can be done if you take it slowly. First, start your list by creating a sign-up on your website. Add your existing customers, both local and online, to your list. Once you have addresses on your list, it’s important to keep them engaged without overwhelming them with spam. Decide on the best schedule for a newsletter and send out additional emails with information on sale events, coupon codes, and announcements for new offerings. Make sure your emails are creative, informative, visually appealing, professional, and to the point.

In order to create effective visuals without spending extra money, consider using free or low-cost online tools. Learn more about graphic design basics so that your work looks professional and appealing. If you don’t have the time or skills to create your own graphics, hire a freelancer or local design student to help you.

Work on Networking and Collaborations

Your home-based business will benefit from networking as well as online collaborations. Not everyone has a natural aptitude for networking and building social connections, but working on this skill will help your business grow. One way to network in your community is by attending local events. However, you can also build relationships online through collaborations, engaging in online forums, and becoming active in communities of like-minded people. This allows you to build genuine connections with potential customers and fellow business owners.

You can also work with others who are active in your field or who have a closely related customer base. Collaborating with influencers or bloggers in your niche isn’t about chasing trends; it’s about identifying authentic voices that align with your brand and working together to create something great. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other businesses and personalities online to see how you can work together, but be sure that you’re offering something of value in return.

Develop Offline Strategies for Local Visibility

In addition to building an online presence and collaborating digitally, your new business will benefit from local offline strategies, as well. Local partnerships and cross-promotions can become the cornerstone of your community presence. Collaborating with nearby businesses can be a benefit to both of you.

In addition, consider setting up booths or otherwise making an appearance at local markets, fairs, parades, festivals, and other community events to increase exposure within your local audience. Don’t only focus on showcasing products or making sales. Instead, engage with the people in your community, forge new connections, and work to become a familiar face.

Employ Creative Marketing Tactics

Using creative marketing tactics for your at-home business can help you attract attention and appeal to your audience. For example, work on your reputation and get personal recommendations from your loyal customers by implementing a customer referral program. This can help you cultivate a community of satisfied customers who become advocates for your services, helping to inspire word-of-mouth marketing.

Another way to market creatively is by writing press releases. If you have the chance to do this, make sure you aren’t just making an announcement. Use the opportunity to tell your story and connect with readers. By sharing about milestones, your mission, and your team, you inspire interested people to become customers.

Offer Promotions and Discounts

Finally, consider bringing in new customers and thanking your loyal fans by regularly offering promotions, sales, coupons, and other discounts. You can try attracting new customers by using carefully crafted limited-time promotions. These promotions work best if they create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, and should be focused on first-time customers.

You should also offer exclusive discounts or offers to your current customers and audience. Do this by utilizing your email list and social media accounts. Your loyal followers are also likely to be repeat customers. Keep these people happy by offering them exclusive coupons and promotions. One way to do this is to offer new products at a discount to your past customers before offering them to the public.


No matter what field your at-home business is in, or whether your customers are local, online, or a mix of both, it’s important to utilize cost-effective, creative, and effective marketing tactics. Remember that starting a new business takes time, and learning how to market your business is one of the most important things you can do. Start slowly, take your time learning the best strategies, and don’t be afraid to try something new if your first efforts aren’t effective.
